My toenails are bright pink, as per Emily's advice, and I ate too many Jujyfruits, clearly not following her advice there. Also, I uploaded pictures from the Seattle trip (see below) and think I have mastered adding pictures directly through Blogger, a new feature I just discovered.
Anyway, it's good to be back in Eugene, sort of. I have lots of things to accomplish here before I leave, but two big ones were finished today- namely plane ticket and apartment (!) in Lyon. More to follow when those are "officially" nailed down, but really? They're pretty for sure, yo. This is going to make my life a lot easier. The wonderful Emily also showed me some of her pictures from her year there (in the job I'll be taking) and helped me write an email to the owners of the place I'll probably be renting to ask more specific questions (and mom? I forgot to ask about the water pressure- sorry!) Then we went to Target and I knocked everything off the shelves. No, wait, I didn't. But once Eliana and I went and tested out the pool noodles' hitting potential for Les Guignols. True story, there. What?
Everyone, time to vote. As you may know, I can bake pretty well. As you also may know, I don't really do much for the 4th of July. (actually, this may be a lie- as I'm thinking about the past few 4ths, I've done something basically every year. So why did I say that?) This year Jen and I are having a barbeque. Meaning that her boyfriend has to grill, because we don't know how, and that I'll be making a lot of the other food (designated cook! designated cook!), including dessert! Yum! So, should I try to master an American-as-apple-pie before then (from the girl who has never made a pie) or should I go for the tried and true, red white and blue cupcakes (meaning cupcakes that have berries and frosting representing the aforementioned colors)? Honestly, the 4th is mostly an excuse to party for me, but I love dessert? Opinions?
Don't worry- mix cds coming! Gina has not forgotten! Just been delayed by a trip north. Love you, muah!
Mix CDs are coming your way! Em and I both need your mailing address.
No potato pancakes for the fourth?
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