Green with envy

Let's hope I meet a very tall Frenchman. Don't hate me because I have fabulous new green shoes, hate me because they were tres en solde, making them tres cheap. Ha. I could make the walk to work in these, couldn't I? Or I could save them for going out. Mais, elles sont super mignonnes, n'est-ce pas?
Oh Gina, you say, have you done anything besides buy shoes? But buying ribbon pink flats with black and white polka-dots is important! Ok, so yes, I have done other things. I bought belts too. Wait, that's not what you wanted to hear, is it? Yesyesyes, I have done other things. Most of these things involve spending time with my bestest friend Sarah, like our dinner tonight with her family. Which was wonderful. At Cafe Terra Cotta, if you care, or are planning to visit Tucson in the near future. (note- if you're planning to visit Tucson whydidn'tyoutellme?) I've also been going to the movies (The Interpretor, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and reading about a million books at once. This is what happens when I have no books to read for classes- I can't control myself and go crazy reading everything in sight. All at the same time. I'm still working through A Suitable Boy, rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, trying to remember where I put Reading Lolita in Tehran so I can finish it, remembering that I'm only two pages into La Disparition, and getting ready to start the Mays of Ventadorn. Oh, and there is apparently a copy of the DaVinci Code floating around the house somewhere, and I'm interested to see if it lives up to the hype, and feel that it's such a cultural icon now that I should just read it. All that and I still want to buy Cooking for Mr. Latte to read before I leave or on the plane. Speaking of plane reading, it's a long flight. So that means lots of books or lots of crossing fingers for a good movie. Because that always works.
I'm leaving two weeks from tomorrow (well, today actually, if you want to be specific). Oh shit. Before I can pack and ship things (winter clothes and coats) I need to finish (or mostly start) unpacking the stuff. If anyone wants to do this for me, I'm willing to give them a cookie. Really. A whole cookie. Yum yum!
April, I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm just sayin... But I love you too, so that should even things out, shouldn't it? Also, since Johnny Depp lives in France now and I'm going to France very soon, I'm hoping that he'll be my friend. That works, doesn't it? Right? I'm nothing if not logical. Which makes me what?
If Johnny Depp is smart, of course he'll be your friend.
I haven't read The DaVinci Code and I doubt I will (mysteries aren't my thing), but it kills me that the author is actually convincing some people that all the garbage in his book is based on "fact." I don't know anything about the historical or religious claims involved, but his "interpretation" of the art is borderline delusional and it bugs me to no end that a lot of people are actually accepting it. I suspect that if anyone put a copy of that book in my hands, I'd set fire to it. I hear it's entertaining, but it's the fact that people are accepting it as fact (and the author is encouraging this) that bugs me...
On the other hand, there's a good chance I'll see the upcoming movie version, because Paul Bettany is in it, and I am extremely shallow.
Oh, and, um - if you e-mail me your current address, I *promise* I'll send your CD this week.
If you make friends with Johnny Depp, tell him I said hi. :)
As to DaVinci Code, as April mentioned, the hype has led lots of people (including crazy religious wackos) to believe that the "historical content" is factual. However, if you leave that behind and approach it as you would, say, an Indiana Jones movie, it's an entertaining story and a fast read. The movie might be fun to see too, mainly because I'm fond of Jean Reno and Ian McKellan.
(By the way, I like the shoes!)
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