samedi, juillet 02, 2005

Unsweetened means no sugar

Jen and I made brownies tonight. They are very good. Even with my baking obsession, I had never made brownies (on my own) that weren't from a box. We even added espresso powder, which may explain why I have no desire to sleep right now. But kids, don't eat unsweetened chocolate. It's just a bad idea.

I'm thinking of going to the dog park with Jen and her dog Kona tomorrow just so that I might get a tan. Is this bad? I made an effort to do this yesterday, but by the time we made it outside and blew up the kiddie pool, it was cooler and slightly overcast. Plus, we may have been too lazy to finish filling the pool with water. So, in typical fashion, Jen and I sat by the pool, in our bathing suits, on towels, drinking beer while Kona played in the pool. But have no fear- the pool may find a wonderful second job as a beer-cooler on the 4th. No, we're not throwing a huge kegger (if we were throwing a kegger we wouldn't need a pool-cum-cooler, now would we?), it's just that none of us have coolers. We're so prepared for this. Mom did, however, send me a recipe for the Red Velvet cake along with giving me detailed instructions on how to construct a two-layer cake and warnings about the frosting melting in the heat. Now, I'm smart enough to figure all of this out, but since I sometimes lack in the common sense department, this was a good call on her part. I'm still torn, though, about what to make, and since none of you are helping (shame! shame!) I may have to make a decision on my own. Doom!

I've been listening to a bit of the Cure today and it reminded me of my freshman year of college when April lent me a Cure cd (was it a compilation?) and I listened to it all the time. That seems like such a long time ago. Ok, so it was almost 6 years ago, but still. I just looked at my pictures from freshman year again and we were all so little and young! There's a great one of April and Erin after a college dems meeting, at Pick N Save at about midnight, holding cheese in the shape of Wisconsin and a cow, probably for the benefit of my southwestern friends. They look very excited about it too. My question- why did I have my camera with me?

So, people, as part of the deal of me going overseas next year, I need to "give something back" to the school. Usually people who do this job are coming back to Eugene, but since I'm not I tried to figure out something different to do. Inspired by this lovely experience, I've decided to keep a blog tracking my mis-adventures in Lyon and anywhere else I may go. This does not mean the end of Quel est ton problème?, but rather the arrival of a new baby sister! (or brother, you never can tell) I'm trying to think of a name as we speak. I've come up with An American Girl in Lyon (but so cliche and over-done that it might hurt my head after five minutes), I'm taking off for France, she said (from the Sarah Cracknell song, but awfully long), The Misadventures of Gina (cute, but I hope to also have just plain adventures) and Franglais (I'll be speaking French there, but le blog will be in English). This is going to be something that people at the university here might read to learn about study abroad and going to a new country, but that I *hope* my friendsandfamily will still read. I'll keep this baby too, because it's never fair to abandon the older when a new shiny baby arrives. So, people, ideas? Names? Themes? Color schemes? Evil plans to take over the world?

I'm still thinking about the shoes I didn't buy in Seattle. They look like this. Don't try and call me on practicality people, they're cute. I've worn out a lot of my nice black shoes, and/or the styles have gotten outdated. But these fell victim to the possible-first-opinion-ever-by-my-dad-about-a-pair-of-shoes, basically that he wasn't sold on them. What a time for that to happen! Sigh, I want new shoes. And a Kate Spade purse (had the opportunity to buy a knock-off in Seattle, but didn't). And a pony. I don't think either of these last two will ever really happen, at least not until I marry into royalty, which is no time soon. Oh, and a date. I'd like one of those too!

ohmygod, I've been writing forever! And a day! That's it! Time to crawl into bed, and try to watch a movie on the laptop without falling asleep! I tell you, my life is so interesting it hurts.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

The really scary thing is, I completely remember that trip to the grocery store and the cheese, even without a photographic reminder. And I have no idea why you had your camera.

The Cure! That must've been the greatest hits CD. Were you the one who encouraged me to play "Pictures of You" about three million times? I remember listening to that song incessantly.

Blog title: I vote for "I'm taking off for France, she said," but then, I'm partial to the obscure pop culture references.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


I vote for Franglais. I think it fits with the goal for your blog, and it reminds me of "Spanglish" and anything with an Adam Sandler reference is good in my book.

If you want to make cookies for your 4th of july bash, I have a great recipe that I've made about 4 or 5 times and everytime they've been a hit. It's super easy too.

Toffee Crunch Cookies
1 cup of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup of white sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
1 and 3/4 cups flour
1 cup oatmeal
1 bag toffee chips
1 cup coconut, shredded
1 cup sliced almonds.

Cream first six ingredients, add the rest of the goodies, your arm will be sore, because it's a thick dough. (and I usually add more coconut and almonds because I like them so much!) Then drop them by tablespoons and bake for 15 minutes at 350. So yummy, I promise.

8:06 PM  
Blogger ET said...

I kind of like Franglais, but the Misadventures of Gina could work...

I know I'm jumping around on subjects, but those shoes are SUPER CUTE! I'm a big fan of the almost flat shoes.

Anyway.... Hope all is well for you!

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

They were too pointy

12:37 AM  

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